Using creative rhyme to explore the trials and tribulations of rural Africa, it is intended for children aged between three and seven years old. However, in readings, it has captivated a wide-ranging audience and captured the imaginations of children, parents and teachers alike whilst sharing the enchantment and challenges of an extraordinary continent.
The inspiration for The Big Red Truck stories comes from a hybrid of Emma’s adventures working on an overland truck that travelled through Africa in the early 1990s, coupled with her experiences of working in international development.

The Big Red Truck and the Dark Forest, the sequel to The Big Red Truck is out for @WORLD BOOK DAY! Share this page with your friends! Young and old, you are all welcome! Story by Emma Judge and illustrations by Luan Serfontein.
In this adventure, the Big Red Truck seeks out the help of old friends and new to build a bridge across the gaping ravine so vital supplies can reach people living on the other side. He has to venture into the Dark Forest – a place no one likes to go, where it is night in the day and dark all the time… to find the help he needs from the tallest trees…